A Homeopathy Lawsuit

A Homeopathy Lawsuit

Here’s some info on a lawsuit the Center For Inquiry has filed against one of the largest manufacturers of homeopathic “remedies” for deceiving the public with useless products that aren’t medicine.

Best Thing I’ve Read Today

Best Thing I’ve Read Today

Remember all those vaccine-deniers and rightwing wackos who kept asserting Ivermectin was a miracle cure for COVID-19? Now, there’s a comprehensive, peer-reviewed study of its effectiveness, which (shocker!) turns out to be not at all.

Oh My, Omicron!

Oh My, Omicron!

My reaction to the overreaction — on Wall Street, Main Street, and the media — that accompanied the news about a new coronavirus variant.

Triple Vaxxed

Triple Vaxxed

My wife and I got our third COVID vaccine shots the other day. That’s a sentence Aaron Rodgers can’t say. Here are my thoughts on both of those subjects.

Yet Another Covidiot Speaks

Yet Another Covidiot Speaks

A Newsmax host is the latest loudmouth to make an absolutely ridiculous claim about COVID vaccines. As soon as I heard what he said, I was reminded of a segment of my radio show from several years ago.