I saw Dan Ariely speak at The Amazing Meeting two years ago about dishonesty, a subject he has researched as a behavioral psychologist at Duke University. It was so fascinating that I went out and got his book, “The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty” and devoured it. That book became the basis of a documentary, which aired last month in abridged form on CNBC, but isn’t streaming or on DVD yet.

After watching the televised version, I tracked down the video of Ariely’s TAM speech for you to watch here. My favorite story is the one about whether golfers would ever move a ball that’s landed in the rough to a better spot…

Note: I’ve recently traded e-mails with Ariely to try to get him on my radio show to discuss his new book, “Irrationally Yours.” Unfortunately, he’s unavailable because he’s traveling all summer, but I hope to talk to him in September. When we settle on a date, I’ll let you know.