In a January 30th entry on this site, I wrote:

The other night, Larry Wilmore was discussing the subject on his “Nightly Show” and one of the panelists was a woman who doesn’t allow her children to be vaccinated. At one point, she said, “Do you know that the companies that make these vaccines have made over $40 billion from them?” To which I responded by yelling at my television, “Good! I’m sure the people who make brakes for cars have made a lot of money, too, but that’s not a reason to let your kids get in a car without brakes!”

Now a blogger named Robert Moore Jr. has run with that idea in a post on his site, “I’m An Anti-Braker“…

A few weeks ago I saw a car accident – two people went through an intersection at the same time. Both slammed on their brakes at the same time and collided. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. But then it occurred to me – if they had just gone through the intersection, they wouldn’t have collided. The brakes CAUSED the accident!

So, I decided to do my own research and what I found was *staggering*: Hundreds of people every year are seriously injured by unnecessary braking. One time, I was driving in the snow and I just lightly tapped my brakes and it caused my car to COMPLETELY LOSE CONTROL. My brakes could have very easily gotten me killed. Even more astoundingly is how often brake pads will warp and distort rotors, causing bumpy rides and squeaky wheels.

And you know what? I also found that decades ago brakes weren’t even used! People would control their vehicle’s speed with downshifting and engine braking. Maybe it’s just coincidence, but back when engine braking was used there were almost no automotive fatalities. There were NEVER brake-caused car accidents.

After doing some more digging, I found a nefarious plot — Mechanics: The very people who we trust to work on and care for our cars — get PAID to install and change brakes! You might THINK they care about our safety, or our cars – but they’re just in it for the $49.99 brake pad installations.

Read Moore’s full and very clever piece here.