Last week, the CBS “Early Show” did an expose about those plastic bracelets that have become all the rage in the past couple of years — the ones that claim to help your stamina, balance, etc. Assisting in the piece was Banachek, a member of the team at the James Randi Educational Foundation that exposes pseudo-science garbage like this.

Unfortunately, even when confronted with facts and evidence that the bands do absolutely nothing more than retain mass, the members of the test group all still wanted one. That’s the hardest part of being a skeptic — convincing people that nonsense is nonsense. And don’t believe the final statement from one company that makes these scam items, which says it will do rigorous diagnostic testing to show that their claims are true. No, they won’t, because the truth would kill their business.

On the other hand, I like the shot that anchorman Chris Wragge takes at power band believer Shaquille O’Neal…