Today on KTRS/St. Louis, I wanted to get some perspective from someone who served in this war on the US military handing over control of Iraq’s major cities to their own security forces today. So, once again, I called on Paul Reickhoff, who had his boots on the ground before coming home to form Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America.

Paul offered his analysis of where things will go once the US Army isn’t involved in protecting Iraq on a daily basis, whether we’ll see an increase in sectarian and other violence as the US scales back, and how our troops feel about the change in their role there (particularly those who have done multiple tours of duty already).

We also discussed whether the care of our veterans has improved since his group started lobbying Congress several years ago, what the economy has done to the jobs those veterans were promised when they returned home, and whether President Obama –who has been getting more pressure from gay groups — will end the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy anytime soon.

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