Several years ago, I told you about efforts by my friend Chris Bliss to erect a monument to the Bill of Rights. It began as his response to activists like Judge Roy Moore erecting monuments to the Ten Commandments, but took on its own momentum when Chris discovered that there is no such Bill of Rights monument anywhere in the US.

So, he took on the cause and is now close to his first success story. The state of Texas (!) has approved a Bill Of Rights Plaza — a beautiful display that’s more than just a plaque on a wall — and Chris is now raising funds to make it reality. He joined me on KIRO/Seattle yesterday to talk about the bipartisan support he’s developed in Austin.

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You can see artist’s renderings of the proposed Bill Of Rights Plaza and make your contribution via, where Chris also has info on how to get a similar project started in your state (or municipality).

In his alternate universe, Chris is a comedian and juggler, who become an internet star via the viral video of one of his performances to the tune of a Beatles classic…